RRR API has OpenAPI (Swagger) configuration file.
That means, you can use such tools as openapi-generator
or swagger-codegen
in order to generate fully functioning RRR API Client in many supported programming languages.
For example, in order to generate RRR API php
client (and it's documentation),
you should do as following:
openapi-generator generate -i https://api.rrr.lt/openapi/swagger.yaml -g php -o /path/for/client --enable-post-process-file --global-property skipFormModel=false
and you'll find documentation, how to use newly generated RRR API Client.
Notice: it is mandatory to override skipFormModel
flag, in order generated client will work properly: --global-property skipFormModel=false
Before car import You must collect possible values of required fields:
After getting all this data You can follow to the Car Import. Car import has 3 mandatory fields (besides authentication ones defined in General request details): car_model, car_years, status.
After successful request API return JSON object:
Response fields meaning:
"car_id" : 292
- car #ID in CRM;
"msg" : "OK"
- response message;
"status_code" : "R200"
- response status code
(all codes).
After Car Import can be used these requests:
Before part import You must collect possible values of required fields:
After getting all this data You can follow to the
Part Import. Part import has 3 mandatory fields
(besides authentication ones defined in General request details): category_id,
quality, car_id, status.
Part is available into e-shop only if these optional fields are filled:
price (must be greater than 0.00),
photo URL.
Note: for the part import one of required values is - car #ID. This car must exist in CRM.
After successful request API return JSON object:
Response fields meaning:
"part_id" : 288651
- part #ID in CRM;
"msg" : "OK"
- response message;
"status_code" : "R200"
- response status code
(all codes).
After Part Import can be used these requests: